Wednesday, November 11, 2009

iMedia: Taking Chances (Glee)

Taking Chances

"Don't know much about your life,
Don't know much about your world."

Glee is a typical show about the misfits at an average high school, with musical numbers added to supplement the plots. When I hear this song, I think about the character who sings it-- Rachel Berry. Rachel is an extremely driven character: she is unafraid to express her opinions, and often gets beaten down for those opinions since they tend to stray from the norm.

The lyrics of this song represent the unknown future. To me, it represents my ability to try new things without knowing the repercussions. I think that this song would matter to all the people who don't try to stick with the "norm" just because everyone else is: it embodies what so many misfit high school kids feel. While the musical people here are not outcast, in many different situations I can see the singers and actors being labeled losers and misfits, and I think that this song symbolizes the risks that people take not only by showing their appreciation for the arts in high school but for attempting to express their love for the arts in life.

To me this song also represents hope. It exemplifies the possibilities in life that a person could have not considered: getting to know someone new, reexamining the ideals that you've judged a person on, and giving things have have failed you in the past another shot. I find Taking Chances a powerful song that shines a light on the causes for peoples actions and emotions.

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