Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blogging Around

Nirali: iMedia (Jaywalking)

I thought that this was a really interesting clip and the insight into it was very modern. I don't usually watch the show, and when I saw this clip I was horrified. The mere fact that people don't know blatantly obvious information that anyone who's attended school should know. I think that Nirali's comment about how people who watch TV should even know some of this information, and I think that it shows how people have stopped caring to retain important cultural information and ultimately that can become very damaging to our society.

Rachel: Connection (King Lear and King Triton)

I think that this connection was very astute. I would never have thought about it this way; not only are both kings alike but both princesses are too. I liked how at the end of the post, Rachel talked about how the characters gave the view of an abstracted reality. I think that this shows how extreme actions can be applied in different situations, and how they can have different outcomes. Also, since this connection was to a Disney film, I think that this connection shows how universal the characters and their situations are.

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